Published inCodeXKubernetes Benefits for Developers: The Importance of Kubernetes in DevOpsThe Kubernetes platform is all about optimization, automating many laborious DevOps processes, and making software developers’ work easier…Sep 21, 202411Sep 21, 202411Get an email whenever Aviral Bhardwaj publishes.SubscribeBy signing up, you will create a Medium account if you don’t already have one. Review our Privacy Policy for more information about our privacy practices.Medium sent you an email at to complete your subscription.
I’m BackIt’s great to be back. I had been away from Medium for more than six months, and I had a desire to return. For those who don’t know, on…Sep 18, 20233Sep 18, 20233
Credit Card Fraud Detection — Random Forest ClassifierUsing the Random Forest Classifier model we will make a model that will predict whether a person will pay the dues on time (with source…Apr 30, 2023231Apr 30, 2023231
Body Fat Prediction — Random Forest RegressorUsing model Random Forest Regressor we would be making a Body Fat Prediction model which will predict the fat in a human body on the basis…Apr 29, 202321Apr 29, 202321
Ways to improve your model accuracyBoost your model accuracy with these simple stepsMar 19, 202326Mar 19, 202326
Types of Supervised LearningIntroduction to supervised learning in machine learningFeb 28, 202310Feb 28, 202310
What are Activation functions?Understanding Activation Functions in Machine Learning and Deep learningFeb 25, 20231Feb 25, 20231
Published inDev GeniusCloud Native Security: Containers vs. Virtual MachinesVirtual machines, which have been around for a while, are regarded as the first generation of cloud computing’s core. While containers are…Jan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023
Top 7 Python libraries for data science and machine learning in 2023These libraries will definitely save your timeDec 24, 20222Dec 24, 20222
Types of Unsupervised learning ?Introduction to supervised learning in machine learningDec 20, 2022Dec 20, 2022
Top underrated libraries in machine learningThese libraries will definitely save your timeDec 18, 20222Dec 18, 20222
Published inTowards DevSetting Up the Right Internal Developer Platform for Your TeamA specific application of a digital platform, internal developer platforms (IDP) provide self-service capabilities as a product to fulfill…Dec 16, 2022Dec 16, 2022