How Data Virtualization Can Help Your Big Data Project

Aviral Bhardwaj
Towards Dev
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2022


Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

In today’s competitive business environment, where data demands are increasing at the same rate as the amount of data you store, it’s critical to manage it correctly and leverage it when needed. There are numerous ways in which data virtualization can benefit our big data projects. In this article, we will learn what data virtualization is, why we need it, what the benefits of virtualizing data are, and how data is virtualized.

What Is Data Virtualization?


Data virtualization is a method of data management that involves the creation of a logical extraction layer. It enables users to access and modify a wide range of data without having to worry about technical details such as how the data is formatted at the source or where it is stored. In addition, users can access all data through a single view, thanks to data virtualization.

Data virtualization does not replicate or store data. Instead, it enables a user to connect to the necessary data and deliver it in real time.

Why Do You Need to Virtualize Data?

Data becomes more difficult to manage when large businesses collect large amounts of data in various aspects and formats.

Businesses can use data virtualization to quickly access and use production-quality data, allowing them to be more agile in their development, testing, production, and release cycles.

Data virtualization enables businesses to eliminate redundancies while improving business outcomes. It makes your business more cost-effective and time-efficient by giving you a centralized view of well-engineered data that you can access, modify, and manage.

Furthermore, data virtualization can be used to virtualize different data versions. Data versioning also helps in maintaining multiple versions of your data projects and keeping track of data changes.

Traditionally, IT enterprises relied on the request-fulfill model in which developers and testers waited in a queue because preparing a test data copy took time. This increased the number of redundancies in the application development lifecycle and slowed the process.

Data Virtualization and Big Data Projects

Why do we need to virtualize our data? Data virtualization combines data from various sources, locations, and formats. There are numerous advantages to virtualizing our data. Data virtualization is beneficial whether you are working on a project alone or as part of a team. It benefits all developers and executives in the organization.

Upgrade the Data Infrastructure

By abstracting underlying systems, data virtualization enables architects to replace legacy systems with modern cloud applications without disrupting the business. In addition, data integration resources can be reduced by up to 30%.

Protect Your Data and Makes It More Secure

Users can use data virtualization to isolate critical source systems from users and applications, preventing them from inadvertently changing the data. Data virtualization, with its single virtual data fabric, enables architects to enforce centralized data governance and security.

Increase Speeds and Reduce Costs

Replication takes time and money. With its “zero replication” approach, data virtualization allows business users to receive updated information without investing in additional storage. Lower infrastructure costs and fewer licenses to purchase and depreciate lead to lower support and maintenance costs. Access to data is now much faster, with almost no lag.

Increase User Productivity

Data virtualization is achieved by delivering data in real time. Because data virtualization connects to the underlying data sources in real time, business users have access to updated data within their applications.

Use Less Resources

Data virtualization saves users about one-fourth of development resources thanks to its simple view-based approach.

Improve Insights

Data that is more complete, updated, and easy to access and understand requires less effort than ETL.

How Does Data Virtualization Work?

Data virtualization enables users and businesses to gain quick access to the data they require. Using rich analytics, design, and development features, data virtualization software will enable your data engineering team to create clean and concise data views. Following that, your data analytics users can locate the business views they require using data catalogs or API management systems. When users run a report or refresh a dashboard, data virtualization accesses information in real-time, transforms it, and returns it to the user.

Data Virtualization Use Cases

Data virtualization can be used for a variety of purposes, including big data projects, data integration, DevOps, ERP upgrades, predictive analysis, and analytics.


I hope this article has given you a clear explanation of how data virtualization can help your big data projects and why it is important in the sector. Because big data is gaining a lot of traction these days, virtualizing and versioning our data makes it more useful.

