Top 7 beginner projects in Machine Learning
hey guys well in my previous article we get a knowledge about machine learning models and machine learning algorithms and today in this article i would be telling you about top 7 most popular and easy machine larning models so lets start

the very first model is very basic and it was my very first model
well in this article i would be mentioning all the concepts and thier projects article in which there are source code and will guide you how to built a model
House Prediction model
well in this model we will use linear regression model to predict prices of houses we will input things like area of house, locality and some other things like that and it will tell you that what can be the price of the house be
Project link
Titanic survivor
another basic model made using logistic regression which will predict whether a person will survive or not if he was in the titanic
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Position salary
in this model we will be using the polynomial regression model and we will make a model that will predict what will be the salary of the person at a specific position
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Vehicle insurance
in this model we will be using the random forest classifier model we will make a model that will predict whether a person will buy insurance for his or her vehicle or not
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Travel insurance — Decision tree classifier
in this model we will be using the decision tree classifier model we will make a model that will predict whether a person will buy travel insurance or not
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Iris classification — Support Vector Machine (SVM)
In this model we will be using Support Vector Machine (SVM) we will predict that what is the class of the iris plant
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Position salary — Support vector regression (SVR)
in this model we will be using the support vector regression (SVR) model we will make a model that will predict what will be the salary of the person at a specific position
Project link
Well, I hope this article has helped you understand models and their codes. You may use the link to search for a model and learn more about it.