What is Data Analysis?

Data Analysis in Machine Learning and Data Science

Aviral Bhardwaj
4 min readDec 4, 2022

Data analysis is a significant topic in machine learning and data science. Data analysis, as the name suggests, is the procedure of modifying, processing, and cleansing raw data in order to obtain useful, pertinent data to assist data scientists in making judgments.

In this article, I would be giving you a detailed explanation about Data analysis.

What Is Data Analysis?

The process of cleaning, manipulating, and turning raw data into useful information that can aid data scientists in making better decisions is known as data analysis. The technique assists in lowering the risks involved with decision-making by offering helpful insights and facts, which are usually displayed as charts, graphics, tables, and graphs.

What Is the Data Analysis Process?

Now we’ll take a look at how it works. The data analysis process, phases, includes gathering all the information, processing it, studying the data, and applying it to discover patterns and other insights. The steps are as follows:

Gathering Data Requirements

Consider the purpose of your analysis, the data you’ll be analysing, and the kind of analysis you plan to apply.

Data Gathering

It’s time to gather information from your sources using the criteria you’ve established. Examples of sources include case studies, questionnaires, surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Make sure the information you’ve gathered is set up for analysis.

Cleaning Data

Since not all of the information you have gathered will be helpful, it is time to clean it up. This stage involves removing blank spaces, duplicate records, and typographical errors. Data must first be cleansed before being sent for analysis.

Data analysis

You need software and other tools in this case to read, comprehend, and draw conclusions from the data. A couple of the tools for data analysis are Excel, Python, and R.

Data visualisation

Data visualisation is the process of presenting information graphically so that it may be read and understood by others. Your information can be presented using a wide range of tools, including graphs, maps, bullet points, and charts. Visualization helps you discover important insights by contrasting datasets and identifying relationships.

Advantages of Data Analysis in machine learning and data science models

Here are a few explanations for why data analysis is crucial to machine learning and data science.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Methods

Making informed selections increases your chances of success. For data scientists and analysts, data gives information. This path’s destination is clear to you.

Learn more specific details

Making informed judgments requires data, but there are other factors as well. It is necessary that the data in question be accurate. You can analyse the data before feeding it into a machine learning model with the help of data analysis.

Types Of Data Analysis Methods

We must quickly review the major categories of analysis before moving on to the key types of methodologies for data analysis. Starting with the category of descriptive up to prescriptive analysis, the complexity and effort of data evaluation increases, but also the added value for the company.

Descriptive analysis

Any analytical reflection must begin with the descriptive analysis method, which seeks to provide an explanation for what transpired. This is accomplished by organising, modifying, and interpreting unprocessed data from diverse sources to produce insightful data that is beneficial to your firm. Descriptive analysis is crucial because it enables us to communicate our findings in an impactful manner.

Exploratory analysis

The exploratory analysis’s primary goal is to explore. Before it, there was still no understanding of how the variables and data related to one another. Once the data has been looked into, exploratory analysis gives you the ability to make connections, come up with ideas, and come up with solutions to certain problems. Data mining is a typical application area for it.

Diagnostic analysis

By giving analysts and executives a solid contextual understanding of why something occurred, diagnostic data analytics empowers them. Knowing both the why and the how of an event will enable you to identify the precise approaches to solving the problem.

Predictive analysis

With the predictive approach, you may foretell what will happen by looking into the future. It employs machine learning and artificial intelligence in addition to the outcomes of the descriptive, exploratory, and diagnostic analysis to do this. In this way, you can explore your data to find links, casualties, and future trends as well as potential issues or inefficiencies. With the aid of predictive analysis, you can plan and create projects that will not only improve your numerous operational processes but also give you a crucial competitive advantage. You may create a well-informed prediction of how events will play out if you can use data to understand why a trend, pattern, or event occurred.

Prescriptive analysis

One more of the best analysis techniques. Prescriptive data strategies are distinct from predictive analysis in that they concentrate on using patterns or trends to produce flexible, practical plans of action.

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Aviral Bhardwaj

One of the youngest writer and mentor on AI-ML & Technology.